Galgalo outside his house

Help bring communities together to build safer, more secure lives

Unlocking the power of people to create lasting change

Voluntary Service Overseas (VSO) Ireland, part of the VSO International family, brings about change not by sending aid. We unlock the power of people - local, national and international experts and partners - to work alongside some of the world’s poorest and most marginalised people to build generational change. 

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Galgalo smiling

Peace matters on the Kenya-Ethiopia border

Peace is the foundation stone on which safe, secure lives are built. But, right now, 28-year-old Galgalo and his family are in danger even in their own home.

Philip Goodwin in Sierra Leone

A farewell message from VSO International CEO Philip Goodwin

After nine incredible years, Dr Philip Goodwin will step down as VSO's Chief Executive this September. In this video he reflects on his time at VSO and the achievements made thanks to supporters like you.

Jamera on the beach
VSO/Lisa Marie David

Tapping into the world’s most staple food to weather many a storm

Rice is incredibly important to Filipinos. Not only is it a food staple, but over 32% of the workforce in the country is involved in rice farming. Read the uplifting stories of two women who are members of a rice trading co-operative.

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Youth planting seeds
Paul Wambugu/Obscuramedia


Stay up-to-date with the latest news from VSO Ireland.

Group of youth female farmers
Paul Wambugu/Obscuramedia

VSO Ireland annual report

This year, many of the global COVID-19 pandemic restrictions were gradually lifted. For countries and communities already facing considerable challenges, there is a huge job to be done to make up lost ground in health, education, and livelihoods.

Fishing boat
Paul Wambugu/Obscuramedia

Vision, values and strategy

Our purpose is to create lasting change through volunteering. We bring about change not by sending aid, but by working through volunteers and partners to empower people living in the some of the world’s poorest and most overlooked regions.