
Youth volunteers
Peter Caton

The value of volunteers

Volunteering is too often badly misunderstood. Too often, it is seen as a “worthy” activity undertaken by people with time on their hands. However, it really is a fundamental part of any country’s development journey and when done properly, it can be a tool for creating a fairer world for everyone.

Brown Niyonsaba

The deaf volunteer struggling for health equality

Around the world, people with disabilities face additional barriers to getting quality healthcare. Brown Niyonsaba is a young deaf woman volunteering to change this in her native Rwanda.

Child and teacher
Paul Wambugu/Obscuramedia

The joy of returning to school

In Migori, Kenya, catch-up classes are helping girls who’ve dropped out of school learn and laugh again.

Deaf Child signing 'thank you'
VSO/Ben Langdon

Five ways volunteers are supporting students with disabilities

Children with learning difficulties and disabilities are vulnerable to being excluded from education opportunities. Hear from four Rwandan-based volunteers making sure these children aren’t left behind.