
Volunteer Arifa

The volunteer helping Rohingya refugee children regain their childhood

Arifa Ripa, a VSO national volunteer, is championing play-based learning to help these children regain their childhood and learn so they can secure a chance of a different and better future. Here is her story.

Girls with science equipment

My experience improving STEM education in Cambodia

After retiring from a successful career as a science teacher, Sean decided to share his skills to help Cambodian children pursue careers in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). Here's his story.

Kenyan education mentor

5 facts about women's rights around the world

Much progress has been made for women's rights. However around the world  the fight for women's rights continues. In this blog, we celebrate some key achievements of women around the world and understand how much further we have to go...

Fishing boat
Paul Wambugu/Obscuramedia

Decolonising aid - from rhetoric to action

There has been much talk across the international development sector in the past two years about the need to “decolonise” aid, to transfer power to those in the countries where international non-governmental organisations (INGOs) are operating.

Youth planting seeds
Paul Wambugu/Obscuramedia

Five ways VSO youth champions are fighting climate change

At VSO we believe that it is crucial to place meaningful youth engagement at the heart of climate action. Young people have the passion and creativity to bring about innovative solutions to global emergencies, such as climate change, as this could determine their future. 

VSO Guildford & North downs supporter group

2022: The year in review

As we move into 2023, let’s have a look back to 2022. And what a year it was! Despite, the soaring cost of living, the ongoing war in Ukraine, and a series of climate disasters that defined 2022, our supporters and volunteers continued to support our work in the face of adversity.

Cracked dry ground

Tackling the climate crisis in Kenya

Find out how VSO youth champions are helping people and communities build resilience in the fight against climate change.

Juliet and her child
Columbus Mavhunga

The mental health lifeline for abuse survivors in Zimbabwe

In Zimbabwe, survivors of violence and abuse have little access to mental health services to manage the trauma they’ve experienced. VSO supporters are empowering VSO volunteers to be there for people who have suffered.


The right to education for girls with disabilities

Around the world, girls with disabilities are being denied their right to an education. With a shortage of properly trained staff, inaccessible schools, and lack of appropriate learning resources, girls face barriers at every turn. 

Emergency response teams pull victims to safety

Pakistan floods: From planning to action

Extreme weather due to climate change is increasing around the world. The devastating flooding in Pakistan, that has left one-third of the country underwater, is a stark reminder that the increasing frequency of extreme weather events disproportionately affects the poorest in society.

Woman in field

Investing in small farmers and agroecology is critical to help us out of the current food crisis

Already battered by the climate crisis and COVID-19, Africa is now facing rising food prices in light of the war in Ukraine. Investing in agroecology and smallholder farmers is the only way out of the crisis.

Children playing

Levelling the playing field in early learning - 'Let's Learn Through Play'

Anisa Hay, 32, raised in the USA and now UK based, is volunteering with VSO’s Let's Learn Through Play project in Rwanda, where she applies her experience of international volunteering and her work at a UK school for children with special educational needs.